Find the Best Candidates with Pre-Employment Testing


Effective pre-employment testing saves your department time and money by narrowing down the field of qualified job applicants. We tailor our exams to find law enforcement and corrections candidates with the skill set needed for your open positions.

Standard Aptitude Assessment

The role of a law enforcement professional relies heavily on the ability to communicate clearly and effectively with peers, superior officers, and the general public. All of our exams typically begin with questions to gauge a candidate’s basic aptitude and communication skills.

We test to measure a candidate’s knowledge of day-to-day basics. Academic areas covered in a general assessment include:

  • Grammar and Punctuation
  • Spelling
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Math

Customized Exam Questions

After a consultation, LETA will customize exam questions to suit the specific needs of the law enforcement agency or corrections facility. They will be designed to determine a candidate’s fit in regards to:

  • General knowledge of the position
  • Specific job requirements
  • Departmental policies and procedures
  • Matters of criminal law (if applicable)

Professional Proctoring

Strict supervision and monitoring of the testing process are essential to provide an even playing field for all candidates. Exams are professionally proctored to ensure the integrity of the results. Proctors make sure rules are followed and that there is no opportunity to cheat. LETA can arrange for a location for your exams or can proctor them on your premises.

Scoring and Reports

LETA scores all exams, providing timely, accurate results. You will receive a detailed report and documentation for your files. We do not make employment recommendations for your open positions, however, our fair and unbiased, customized testing aims to help clarify your choices.


Working in conjunction with Southwestern Illinois College, we can arrange for your candidates’ POWER (Peace Officer Wellness Evaluation Report) Testing when necessary. While LETA does not administer physical fitness testing, we do schedule and facilitate it with the proper agency.